
Showing posts from August, 2023

Q1 W4 September 4th- 8th

Welcome to 1st Grade! Welcome to week 4! This week we have no school this Monday the 4Th for Labor Day, and we have a Full Day on Friday the 8th . This week we will be going to the library for the first time and all of our scholars are SUPER Excited! We hope everyone has an amazing 3 Day weekend! Have a Great Week! Important Dates: September 4th: No School September 8th: Full Day of School September 14th: Curriculum Night @6-8PM September 22nd: The Big Give Evening Event Important Reminders: - Please Remember to bring a snack and water bottle daily for your scholar - It does tend to get a bit chilly in the classrooms and your scholar might want a sweater so just in case you may pack a Great Hearts Western Hills sweater or cardigan in their backpack to have. - For Spalding Homework please have your scholar write the words or phonograms 2 times and in 2 Collums - Every Tuesday we will send home the scholar's yellow folder please sign and return anything that needs to be returned an

Q1 W3 August 28th - September 1st

  Welcome to 1st grade! This is week 3 and we are having a fun filled week like new Spalding words, new science observations, reading a new poem, new story, how to compare numbers and what proper nouns are and how to capitalize. We also have a lot of important upcoming days so please mark them in your calendar! Important Information: - Scholars with Upper School siblings (who wait in the MPR at carline) must have a silent reading book everyday with them or in their backpack. - Please make sure your scholar packs a snack everyday so they  can refresh their energy. It doesn't  have to be a big snack but just something to tie them over till lunch time. - Scholars have Math and Spalding Homework daily except for Fridays  so please make sure you are checking their black folders daily for homework and math workbook for math Homework. - We started sending home book bags so please read those daily and ask comprehension questions to see if they remember what they are reading. If they lose t

1st Grade blog Week of 21st-25th

Welcome To 1St Grade!   This was an amazing First week of school! It was amazing to meet some new scholars and see some familiar faces. We are so excited to see what this year will bring, and we are so thrilled to have your scholars with us! This year we will learn so many new things! This is the first-grade blog, this is where you can see a week at a glance of what your scholar will be learning/ learned. This is also a place where we will put important information, dates and events that is going on within our grade level and as Great Hearts Western Hills as a whole as well. If you have further questions or concerns, please reach out to your scholar's teacher and AT and they can answer those questions and concerns. Have a Great Weekend! Contact Information: 1A:   (Lead) Mrs. Sulak:  1B: (Lead) Mrs. Martin: (AT) Mrs. Davis: 1C: (Lead) Mrs. Bryson: Briana.bryson@greathearts