Q1 Week 7 September 25th-29th

 Welcome to 1st Grade!

It is Week 7! We have a lot of stuff coming up for our scholars during this month and next month. The scholars are so excited about Fall starting this Saturday and can't wait for the recess time to be a little cooler. With that being said since the weather may be a little cooler if you do not yet have a Great Hearts sweater, please try to get one. Thank you, and Have a Great Week!

Important Dates:

-September 29th: Spirit Day

-October 2nd: Book Fair

-October 7th: Deadline to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences (Sign up Genius)

-October 9-10th: Parent Teacher Conferences (In person or zoom)

-October 11th-13th: Fall Break

Parent Teacher Conference Sign-up Links:

1A - Mrs. Sulak/Mrs. Ruiz 

1B - Mrs. Martin/ Mrs. Davis 

1C- Mrs. Bryson/Ms. Nothstein

1D- Ms. Arrigo/Ms. Cano

Important Reminders:

   -Please Remember to bring a snack and water bottle daily for your scholar.

- It does tend to get a bit chilly in the classrooms and your scholar might want a sweater so just in case you may pack a Great Hearts Western Hills sweater or cardigan in their backpack to have.

- For Spalding Homework please have your scholar write the words or phonograms 2 times and in 2 Collums

- Every Tuesday we will send home the scholar's yellow folder please sign and return anything that needs to be returned and remove the rest to keep at home

-Please discuss with your scholars to not talk during instruction time and to respect their teachers time of teaching.

Your scholar needs to bring an independent reading book to school every day to use during dismissal. This is especially important if your scholar is picked up at Upper School because the expectation in the MPR is that scholars read silently.

- Starting this week, we will be sending home book bags and checking the scholar's comprehension and understanding of their book so please go over it with them every night.

Week at a Glance:

Spalding: Scholars will be reviewing 1-45 phonograms and starting to add new words into their pink notebook from the Ayers list. Scholars will be finishing up Unit 2 of their Ayers list and adding new phonograms to their daily skillset.

Math: Students will demonstrate Unit 2 Math skills on Unit 2 Assessment and then begin to tell subtraction stories, while using the “take apart” strategy. 

Science: Students will continue Learning about our Sun, moon, and stars unit focusing on the changes the sky and the sun makes when it is rising and falling from east to west. Scholars will learn about the stars and their purpose.  Scholars have also learned about what a compass is and its purpose when finding direction.

Writing/Grammer: Scholars will be reviewing common nouns and Propper nouns, Capitalization and will be doing a Narration exercise also. 

Literature: This week is all about Aesop’s Fables - we will understand that a moral is the lesson learned in the story/fable. The fables we will be examining are: The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing; The Goose and the Golden Egg; The Fox and the Grapes, and The Milkmaid and Her Pail. The poem for the week is: What is Heavy. We are working with posture and body language.

History: This week scholars will be introduced to Egypt, and we will be doing lots of fun activities and learning about Egypt. 

Spalding Homework:

Monday 9/25

Tuesday 9/24

Wednesday 9/25

Thursday 9/26


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